EXCELLENCE: We always bring our best, because it honors God and inspires people.  Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude.

MISSION: We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Jesus.

FAITH: We choose to believe because it pleases God and makes anything possible.

PRAYER: We pray because our relationship with God is the most important one we have!

FASTING: We deliberately say no to carnal desires so that we can be more obedient to the Spirit.

PRAISE: God deserves a public expression of our personal opinion.

WORSHIP: Pleasing the Lord by every possible means because all life is worship.

SACRIFICE: We give up things we love for things we love more.  

GENEROSITY: We give cheerfully and liberally because selfishness is unacceptable, and we believe it is more blessed to give than to receive.

HOSPITALITY: We are intentionally welcoming towards all strangers and guests regardless of their past, class or race, because God has demonstrated this same kindness towards us.

CONFESSION: We confess quickly because when you bring failure into the light its power over us is broken and we are healed.

FORGIVENESS: We choose to forgive because forgiveness sets us free and releases God to continue to forgive us.

RESTORATION: We practice restoration because failures are not final and the gifts and callings are without repentance.

ACCOUNTABILITY: We prevent mistakes from turning into disasters.

PROCESS: Walking with God is a journey that begins wherever He finds us. Therefore we celebrate progress, not present location. It’s not as much about “where we are” as it is “Where we’re going”!

UNITY: We can accomplish infinitely more together than we can apart.

HONOR: Everyone’s contribution should be celebrated and appreciated.

RESPECT: Everyone has purpose and value.

HOPE: We don’t offer hospice for the disease of sin because we’ve found the cure! Jesus has the power to put sin in remission and transform any life!

LOVE: Because without it nothing else matters!