BRUSH HARBOR DAYS The West Point Church began during the 1930’s and they met each summer under a temporary structure known as a brush arbor just a mile or so from the very spot the church is currently located. The framework of the arbor was secured between four or more trees. Poles made of small trees formed the roof upon which leafy branches were placed. Seats were boards nailed to sawed logs and had no backs. Every Summer a new harbor was built and traveling evangelists and preachers would minister there. Vera Mae Noe Rideout took it upon herself to ensure that the church continued regularly when there were no ministers available. Because of her faithfulness she is considered to be the founder of the church.
WHERE DID NAME “WEST POINT” COME FROM? The Church is east of Doniphan but is called West Point. The way this came about was because during the winter months the church would convene each Sunday in a nearby one-room school. The school had been built in the west corner of someone’s field and became known as the West Point School. After several winters meeting in this school, the congregation became known as the West Point Church.
THE PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT The small group of West Point Church believers began to experience the supernatural gift of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking with tongues as described in Acts 2 and had once again began to sweep across the land due to the dynamic Topeka, KS and Azusa Street Pentecostal revivals. The church naturally became known as the West Point Pentecostal Church.
JESUS NAME BAPTISM Out of the Pentecostal movement came another one preaching what would become known as the revelation of Jesus Name baptism. As the members of West Point Pentecostal Church began to study the scripture, they became aware that the early church practiced no other mode of baptism other than in the name of Jesus, which was what Jesus commanded in Luke 24:47 and Peter preached on the day of Pentecost.
THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES Today, the West Point United Pentecostal Church continues to gather and worship in a 700-seat sanctuary, operate a Christian School in an adjacent facility that includes a gymnasium and build on the foundation, sacrifices and revelations of all those who paved the way. We are very thankful and blessed!