WHAT’S THE POINT is our NEW BELIEVERS STUDY COURSE and our LEADERSHIP TRAINING MODULE. We believe that everybody needs a church family. But deciding where you and your children will worship and be spiritually taught and ministered to is one of the most important decisions you will be accountable for in life. Therefore, it is imperative that you understand, WHO we are, WHAT we believe and WHY we believe it.
We do not believe that we are the only people on the planet going to heaven. Neither do we think that you must join our assembly or denomination in order to be saved. We recognize that the body of Christ is very large and we are just one of many members that have been privileged to be placed into it. However, we are a church that is passionate about following Jesus no matter where He leads and we welcome anyone to join the journey.
WEST POINT CHURCH is a group of imperfect people in love with a perfect God. If you’re looking for perfection you won’t find it here. However, we refuse to allow our imperfection to become an excuse to give God less than our best! We are not interested in the “easy” answer, but we are passionate about finding the “best” answer as we continually strive to practically apply scriptural principles and press towards Christ’s example of righteous perfection. We want to be conformed to His image and not the world! We know that this is a continual process and can only be achieved as we study God’s Word and yield to the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not perfect, but we are constantly perfecting and one day we shall be like Him!